National legal basis

 Icon law regulation book

With the CAP Strategic Plan approved by the European Commission, Austria commits itself to its implementation.

In addition, the following legal framework has been established for the granting of support to farmers and other beneficiaries in accordance with the CAP Strategic Plan.

Market Organisation Act 2021 - MOG 2021

The MOG 2021 (“Marktorganisationsgesetz 2021”) contains the detailed regulations for the implementation and handling of the common market organisation, including direct payments, in Austria and regulates the principles for the CAP Strategic Plan. Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) is designated as the market organisation, intervention and paying agency, while the Federal Ministry of Finance is responsible for processing export refunds - insofar as these are stipulated by EU law.

The MOG 2021 creates the legal framework for the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan. Insofar as EU law leaves room for manoeuvre or provides options for Member States, the procedure envisaged in Austria is also laid down in the MOG 2021. The technical organisation of EU law in connection with the MOG 2021 is carried out by means of ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Agriculture Act 1992 - LWG

The Federal Act on measures to ensure food security and to maintain a nation-wide, efficient, farm-based agriculture (“Landwirtschaftsgesetz 1992” – LWG 1992) standardises, among other things, the objectives of the agricultural policy and the financing of support measures, which provides for a division of funding between the Federal Government and the Provinces.

The Agriculture Act is also the legal basis for the annual "Green Report" which is to be submitted to Parliament and provides information on the development and economic situation of Austria’s agriculture in the preceding calendar year.

Ordinance establishing rules for the application of the CAP Strategic Plans (GSP-AV)

The GSP-AV (“GAP-Strategieplan-Anwendungsverordnung”) contains the general rules for all support measures and, where applicable, details on the content of direct payments and the fruit and vegetables and wine sector measures. The common set of rules further emphasises the desire for a standardised approach.

The content of the rural development support measures is regulated in the special directives 2023-2027.